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Webb crashes out in Valencia
Webb crashes out in Valencia

Danny Webb was disappointed after failing to convert his maiden 125cc pole position into a points finish in Valencia.

The 20 year old from Tunbridge Wells made a superb start and led at the end of lap one but soon slipped back as the regular front runners took charge of the race.

Webb was running in 13th when he eventually crashed out and explained that he was trying so hard to stay in the points that he lost control of the Mahindra.

“Disappointing after my first pole, but I tried my hardest to give Mahindra a good finish to the first year, and unfortunately I pushed too hard. Conditions were difficult and I was having problems with front grip. I lost a few positions, and I didn’t want to lose any more. So I pushed, and it was a bit too much.”

Mahindra Group managing director, Anand Mahindra, was philosophical after Webb’s fall and was full of pride at the end of the team’s debut year. With the team launching their Moto3 bike on Saturday, Mahindra is already looking forward to 2012.

“I know it is a cliché, but ‘that’s racing’. Yesterday we were celebrating Danny’s pole position but today, sadly, he fell.

Webb will now have the winter to prepare for the new season that begins in April with the first race at Qatar.

