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Soccer Elite scoop Demelza award
Soccer Elite scoop Demelza award

Local football academy Soccer Elite have been rewarded for their charity work by picking up a Demelza 2013 Business Award.SONY DSC

Held at Marriott Tudor Park, Soccer Elite were nominated in the Outstanding Fundraising Team category and ahead of the other shortlisted corporates including William Hill and RBS, they won the award.

The evening was hosted by Cheryl Baker and with many luminaries in the room, they heard how Soccer Elite FA raised in excess of £10,000 in the calendar year and raised the profile of the charity amongst grass roots football clubs & teams along with professional players through the charity events that they organised.

Their 12 hour football marathon where they played continuously for 12 hours in 1 hour matches against 12 local teams gained a special mention along with their 2 Ex Pro charity matches plus their recent black tie gala evening at Turkey Mill.SONY DSC

Upon receiving the award on behalf of Soccer Elite, Stuart Bell said “Since choosing our charitable partner at the beginning of 2012 our goal has been to raise much need funds through our network of players, parents, coaches & corporate partners as well as striving the raise the profile of Demelza to a much broader audience.”

“Our inspiration comes from seeing first hand the commitment & dedication exhibited by everyone connected with Demelza and our continuing involvement with the charity demonstrates how much Demelza has become a part of our existence.”

“This award is for everyone associated with Soccer Elite & for everyone who in some way has contributed to a memorable year of fund raising for such a great & worthwhile charity.”

Look out for the next challenge being laid down by Soccer Elite on behalf of Demelza – it’s for everyone and it will be a challenge suitable for young or old, footballer or non-footballer and will create an enormous amount of fun for all those taking part!


