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Road to Wembley – Joe Fuller
Road to Wembley – Joe Fuller

After rejoining Tunbridge Wells last summer, the next man under the KSN “Road to Wembley Spotlight” is (according to the club’s “official player profiles”) a very skilful player who on his day which his confidence is high he can be a real match winner. Today we talk to JOE FULLER…Joe Fuller

We started with one simple question to Joe, “has what you’ve achieved sunk in yet?” His response was almost immediate, “For me if you ask if it’s sunk in yet it’s yes and no – it’s a bit bizarre. I don’t think think it will properly until we actually get there and get into the dressing room on the day. The buzz from Shildon was unbelievable, and it’s likely that the buzz at Wembley on the day will take that to the next level. It’s going to be incredible – I don’t think it will kick in until we’re all there.”

Joe went to the Culvenden after an unsuccessful spell at Longmead, and he told us, “I’ve known everyone around the group for some time and so to be a part of it now hasn’t taken too much. Coming back was reasonably easy and I fitted in reasonably easily and quickly.”

Little though could have prepared Joe and has team mates for the rollercoaster that has been the March to the Arch. “We’ve been through every single emotion possible on the Vase run – it’s been a bag of mixed emotions all the way.,” Joe admitted.

“From being so close to defeat on more than one occasion to bounce back the way we have done – the one that sticks in my mind was when Andy McMath got sent off at Larkhall. I came on with about 15 minutes to go and we ended up taking it to extra time when Andy got sent off before young Jack (Harris) got us through so that in one game showed every possible emotion. And then there was the events at Shildon – it’s incredible!”

“I’ve never ever had a season like this one – ridiculous amounts of football in a short time – I know it’s a cliche but we really have to take each game at a time and carry on the good work. It’s just getting harder and harder with every game we play – but that said it is also another way of getting us closer together and so in a daft way it’s going to be a good thing. The spirit is brilliant and not just amongst the boys on the pitch – it really is like the whole club; everyone does their bit which is as important as the next person and everyone appreciates everyone – it’s brilliant is really is – there’s no doubt about it.”

“The supporters appreciate the players as they know that they’re not coming down here just for the money and we’re doing it for the love of the game and the love of the club and it’s the same for the players who appreciate the supporters as it gives us a good buzz – they really have been immense.”

“The support has got better and better and the Vase run has now put the club on the map. I just hope now that it continues in the future as the club gets bigger and bigger as it’s well deserved.”

Looking ahead, Joe has hopes for the future, “I hope that what we have done this season has laid the foundations for something really special for the club. But its not just this season as Martin and Brad have been working hard at this however many years – he’s always had a plan!”

“Every manager knows when he goes to a club that success is unlikely in the first season and that it takes time to build it. And that is going to be hard in the first season with not much money or anything, he’s got the little things right starting with the team spirit – everyone does what they’re told; everyone gets put in check; no one is bigger than anywhere else and everyone knows that – it’s just a great thing!”

So the day has finally dawned – just what will be going through Joe Fuller’s brain as he leaves the Wembley dressing room at five to three? “Winning – lifting that Cup – there’s nothing else that goes through my mind except for winning the Trophy for our supporters who have backed us.”

“It’s the thing that players dream of. You don’t think it’s going to happen to you as a player, and it’s happened to us – it’s massively special and that’s all that we have to think. If we perform and if we do the hard work I think that the result will take care of itself!”

Join us later for the next in our series of “Road to Wembley” as we speak to every member of the Tunbridge Wells squad. Next up is Jon Pilbeam…
