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Results Fitness Medway go Gung Ho again!!
Results Fitness Medway go Gung Ho again!!

On July 7th, our team from Results Fitness Medway (RFM) and some friends and family will walk, run, jump and bounce our way around the Gung Ho Brands Hatch 5k course, including bounding over 10 of the most epic giant inflatable obstacles.

Our team of 20 individuals consist of a range of abilities from seasoned runners, to those completing their first OCR event.

Each member of Results Fitness Medway (RFM) ranging from the trainer Carl Miller to the newest recruit has their own personal journey through participation in sport.

Kent Sports Trust (KST) aim to encourage participation, create positive health outcomes and provide opportunities for the Kent community to connect through sport. At Results Fitness Medway, Carl leads us through structured classes which take place at different indoor and outdoor locations in the Medway area.

Last year Result Fitness Medway raised and incredible £439.00 for this amazing cause and had a fantastic time taking part in this event.


Carl Miller – “I pull from my own knowledge and past experiences to assist and guide my students to improve and change their lifestyle to reach their personal goals. There are many elements to consider when trying to successfully lose weight, improve fitness or make lasting positive lifestyle changes. To witness a student making positive improvements on a weekly basis is what makes my job worthwhile.”

Lou, 44 – “I joined RFM in February 2018 not knowing anyone, the journey for me has been amazing. It started as a bit of fun and soon turned into three nights a week, training hard to reach my personal goals. Carl our trainer is great and sets us challenges that are fun and there is amazing support from everyone else in the class. Each week, Carl has a different way to help you reach those targets and keeps us motivated. I personally look forward to every session and am excited to get on those scales each week and I feel great in myself.”

If you would like more information about joining Results Fitness Medway please contact Carl Miller on eliteperformtraining@gmail.com or call 0797 578 4844.
