There was some fantastic running again by all of the 53 Rebel Runners who completed the Medway 10K on Sunday, which was the 7th race in their 2022 Club Championship.

Some amazing performances by everyone but here are a selection of the best performances by Rebels in the age and gender categories.
1st in Category: Katelyn Jarvis (30th female overall), Amanda Link (5th female overall) & Jenny Baldock.

2nd in Category: Sally Fry (3rd female overall), Jess Lyons (7th female).
3rd in Category: David Melville, David McIntosh.
4th in Category: Chris Humphries (also congratulations for being the 1st Rebel Home and 7th overall).
5th in Category: Paul Clark.
Special mention also to Shane Deville finishing in 13th place overall but well done to everyone on some fantastic Jubilee running!
Also thanks to all the Rebels who volunteered to help with the race.