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Podium for Ovenden
Podium for Ovenden

Tristan Ovenden was on the podium at his home circuit of Lydden Hill in the latest round of the Motorsport UK British Rallycross Championship 5 Nations Trophy.

Rounds five and six were held alongside the new Lydden Legends Festival. A weekend of a celebration of Rally and rallycross cars through the ages.

The Witham Motorsport supported driver was looking to build on the momentum from the previous rounds in Ireland. Ovenden attacked the weekend head on and recorded the fastest time in free practice on Saturday morning.

He would go on to take two fourth place finishes in qualifying gaining second place on the front row start for the semi-final, a position that he defended well which would go onto see him line up for the final on the front row on the outside.

However, as is the norm for rallycross the race into turn one saw utter turmoil and saw Ovenden dumped to the back of the pack after the dust settled. He managed to claw back two places to finish in sixth place. A disappointment after showing such great pace all day.

Putting the previous days result firmly behind him the Goody Backed driver approached the Sunday understandably with an air cautiousness. This served him well as he lined up for his semi-final on the front row.

A race that contained arguably what could have been the final! Coming home in fourth spot earning him a back row grid position for the final.

After a thrilling race where Ovenden timed his joker lap to perfection rejoining with clean air in front of him allowing him to hold the position until the flag. 

Speaking after the weekend, Ovenden said: “I am so pleased! To be on the podium for the last race of the weekend is just brilliant, we deserved that. That’s why it meant so much, the team and I worked very hard over the weekend and our pace was really good, so when the final didn’t work out on Saturday, I was very disappointed. 

“On Sunday we didn’t qualify as well as we might have done, but come the race the speed and the strategy was great. An amazing weekend to be a part of. Thanks for the support everyone, hopefully my reaction after the race tells you what it means to me.!

Will Ovenden was also in action over the weekend although not racing but instead taking part in the track demos in the iconic Clio V6 in which his father Tristan drove to three consecutive British Supernational championships 

