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Parrish disappointed by player losses
Parrish disappointed by player losses

Invicta Dynamos coach Kevin Parrish is trying to remain positive despite losing the services of five players.

After a torrid fortnight in which the club has lost the services of Michael Timms and Anthony Lennon through injury and seen Zach Sullivan, Tim Smith and now Richard Bentham move on to pastures new, Invicta Dynamos Head Coach Kevin Parrish held a team meeting on Thursday evening looking to steady the ship ahead of a tough calendar of ENIHL fixtures.

Now, speaking to the club’s official website, the man in charge gives a further update on goings on inside the club and assures the team’s supporters that he and the squad will be doing everything they can to remain competitive.

“Needless to say it has been a tough few weeks” said Kevin Parrish, “If any team at this level were to lose five players of the calibre that we have then they would undoubtedly feel the effects”.

In addition to long term injuries to Michael Timms and Anthony Lennon, the Head Coach has seen youngster Zach Sullivan switch to Slough on a two-way deal but with no intention of returning to Gillingham, Tim Smith join the Sheffield Steeldogs in the EPL having returned home and, most recently, agitator Richard Bentham move to the Peterborough Phantoms despite the Dynamos indicating his future was still in Kent.

“When we announced that Richard was happy to stay with the club, it’s because he had informed us that he intended to remain with us in Medway,” said the Coach. “He was committed to the team following his excellent display in Bristol last Sunday, we made the news public in a press release on Monday and Richard then informed us that Peterborough was too good an opportunity for him to turn down in the days after. It’s incredibly frustrating for us as a team but Richard has had to look out for himself and all we can do is thank him for his efforts during his brief stint in a Dynamos’ jersey and wish him well in the EPL”.

One prominent cause of the turbulence at the Dynamos in recent weeks has been the inability of the club to secure accommodation for a number of its players with a residence that was promised to the team at the start of the season since falling through.

“Unfortunately a house, that we were guaranteed for several of our skaters, including both ‘imports’, fell through at the last minute this week by no fault of our own,” said Kevin Parrish. “Unsurprisingly this unsettled a number of the squad whom it affected and so was obviously less than ideal. Since then we have resolved the issue of accommodation but, at this level, the knock-on effect from something like this can be quite significant and we have perhaps paid the price”.

So whilst the exit door may have claimed another player, Head Coach Kevin Parrish has revealed that he will now only be focussing on the future and at how to keep his side competing with the pace setters in the ENIHL. “On Thursday we held a player meeting to ensure that all of the squad were singing from the same hymn sheet and I’m very pleased to report that the remaining guys were not only committed but very positive,” announced Parrish.

“I was impressed with the overall attitude of the lads and there is no-one connected with the side who is willing to see the events of recent weeks as an excuse to let the competition run away from us. It’s going to be tough but every one of us is up for the challenge and will be fighting to keep the Dynamos amongst the thick of it”.

Meanwhile the Head Coach has conceded that replacements for the injured pair and outgoing trio will be necessary and indicated that he is already on the prowl for suitable additions. “I am looking at a number of players and have spoken to a fair few but, just as it is important to make these extra signings, it is equally important that we don’t give in to knee-jerk reactions and secure players who don’t fit with the team” said Kevin Parrish.

“As soon as I have news it will be announced but, in the meantime, we will call upon those already within the club’s ranks and the likes of Daniel Terry and Peter Beerling have already impressed from this position”.

Finally Kevin Parrish thanked the club’s supporters for their understanding over recent weeks and delivered an assurance

that their side would continue to give their all on the ice for the team’s fans. The Head Coach said, “From the inside this has been a very difficult few weeks whilst, from the outside, people have called us a club in crisis. Whatever happens though, and whatever is said, the supporters always show up to back us and we have, are and always will be, very grateful to them. They have a passion which is unmatched at this level and they not only inspire the team on the ice but attract players to the Dynamos away from it. We hope they will continue to back us, we thank them for their invaluable support and we promise to do all we can to reward them for the efforts each time we take to the ice.”

