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Olympics team heading to Kent
Olympics team heading to Kent

Kent County Council have confirmed that the Puerto Rico Olympic team with be based in the county prior to this year’s competition.

The Puerto Rico Olympic team could include competitors in basketball, weightlifting, judo, gymnastics, freestyle wrestling, boxing and athletics.

The sportsmen and women will train at Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury High School and Canterbury Boxing Club.

KCC Cabinet member for Customer and Communities Mike Hill said: “We are delighted Puerto Rico has chosen to come to Kent and we look forward to welcoming all the international athletes who will be staying and training here.

“The work which has taken place over the years will help the county benefit from a boost in tourism, an increase in spending locally as well a real excitement of being on the doorstep of London 2012.”

It’s just the latest in a long line of nations who have chosen Kent as their Olympics base.

Kent has been recognised as being among the counties with the most nations, excluding London, to sign up Olympic squads.

Other nations who have already signed up include:

Ukraine Judo Squad

Belarus Judo Squad

Portugal Gymnastics and Trampolining Squad

Slovenia Gymnastics

Australia Athletics

Senegal Olympic team

Papua New Guinea Paralympic Squad

Nepal Olympic and Paralympic Squad

Congo Olympic Squad


Andrew Balsdon, Director of Sport, Canterbury Christ Church University said:

“Canterbury Christ Church University is delighted to be hosting the Puerto Rico Olympic Squad and helping with their preparation for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

“The opportunity to support their sportsmen and women and develop cultural and sport related links is a very exciting prospect”.

Paul Eales, Executive Director, Body and Mind Centre Canterbury: “On behalf of Body and Mind and the Canterbury Academy, we are highly delighted the Puerto Rico Olympic organising committee has selected our venue for their final preparations for the London 2012 Olympic Games.”

David Kenward, Club Head Coach: “Canterbury Amateur Boxing Club are delighted to welcome the Puerto Rico Olympic Boxing team to our gym, for pre games training sessions. I am sure the spin-offs will benefit Canterbury Boxing Club, The Prince of Wales Youth Centre and of course the City of Canterbury itself.”


Main picture courtesy of KCC: KCC’s Chris Metherell with a representative from the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee.

