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Margate receive new life saving machine
Margate receive new life saving machine

A number of recent high profile incidents on the sports field have put the issue of heart health into sharp focus and Margate FC have moved to address the issue.

Fabrice Muamba, the Bolton Wanderers player was fortunate that the appropriate help was close a hand. But other players such as Victor Brannstrom, a Swedish player and former Margate player Paul Sykes were not so lucky. In many cases, immediate treatment with a defibrillator can literally be the difference between life and death.

That’s why Margate Football Club are delighted to receive a defibrillator from Mike Dadd, Community Resuscitation Development Officer at the British Heart Foundation, and John Walters who is a Margate resident and local fund raiser.

Mike explained: “We are trying to put defibrillators in as many places as possible because it is so important to administer treatment after a cardiac event as soon as possible.

“We have a local appeal running which if people wanted more information about, they can contact me at [email protected] and on 07833 047850.”

John is a Mancunian now living within two miles of Hartsdown Park. “I have been supporting automated external defibrillators (AED’s) in public places for quite some time since one of my closet friends suffered a cardiac arrest and was saved only because an AED was readily available.

“I recently completed a nine mile cross country run called the ‘Grim Challenge’ as part of my fund raising activities and am absolutely delighted to be associated with raising the funds required to have the defibrillator installed at Margate Football Club.”

John’s friend is Ian Best; brother or former Northern Ireland and Manchester United legend George. Ian collapsed at a hotel and his life was saved because the hotel had an AED. He has been recognised for setting up the AED in Public Places campaign.

CEO Cliff Egan said: “Obviously we hope we never have to use it. But we’ve had a number of people trained and with the 5-a-side Centre as well as first and reserve team matches here at Hartsdown Park, we feel more prepared should anyone be unfortunate enough to suffer a heart attack.”


