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Maddams planning 2014 Tour de Kent
Maddams planning 2014 Tour de Kent

Roger Maddams is already planning the 2014 Tour de Kent after organising this year’s event that raised over £50,000 for charity.Tour de Kent

Last weekend saw hundreds of cyclists take to Kent’s streets to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and Take a Heart Mercy Mission.

There were three grueling days of cycling for many of those that took part as they took in 21 football grounds, covering 200 miles across Kent.

The likes of former Gillingham manager Andy Hessenthaler and current Youth Team Manager Darren Hare joined the pack as they headed off from Priestfield on Saturday morning, only to return on Bank Holiday Monday afternoon.Darren Hare

With the ride now behind him, Maddams told KSN how he is already looking at next year’s event and planning has begun in earnest:

“I think it has to be the most satisfying three days of my life. We were absolutely blessed, the sun shone and everyone enjoyed it.”

“We raised a lot of money along the way and it was one big party. Because of that, we will be doing it again.”

“Without blowing my own trumpet, I worked hard to plan it. Everything slotted into place like a jigsaw and the volunteers were fantastic.”

“Bless the cake makers, people putting flags out and the football clubs have been brilliant.”

“The planning has already started for next year as I’ve booked the whole of the Premier Inn in Maidstone, all 99 rooms for the Sunday on Bank Holiday weekend next May!”Andy Hessenthaler and Darren Hare

With Roger already looking towards next year, he was keen to stress the ride is for cyclists of all abilities and had special praise for Hare who overcame multiple heart attacks two years ago to take his place in the Tour de Kent:

“There are lots of things out there and they are aimed at keen cyclists, so I thought it would be good to have something that is not necessarily just for keen cyclists.”

“As for Darren, I rode with him on Sunday for about fifteen miles on the hard bit coming out of Dover and he was saying how he wanted to do a photo to the cardiology unit at Chatham Maratime to say this is what I have done.”

“Two years ago he was desperately ill, he’s got himself better and out in a huge, huge effort. It’s stories like that, that kept me going up the hills too.”Tour de Kent

You can still donate to Tour de Kent and find out more information about the ride at www.tourdekent13.co.uk
