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Losing is not an options for Stevens
Losing is not an options for Stevens

This weekend Kickboxing and White Collar Boxing comes to the Casino Rooms in Rochester promising some mouth-watering action.Louise Stevens

One person who is looking forward to getting back in the ring is Louise Stevens, although not her first fight it is her White Collar boxing bout.

Speaking about her first ever fight which didn’t go the distance, Louise said: “It was a surprise. I had trained really hard for a longer fight. Leading up to it i had worked hard on my conditioning. My opponent looked tough and I was expecting a war. When we stepped into the ring she wouldn’t look at me in the eye and I saw a weakness. As soon as I landed the first punch I knew it wouldn’t take long.”Louise Stevens 2

There has been a long gap between her first bout and getting back into the ring to find out and as she explains it was a happy reason.

She added: “I found out shortly after my bout I was pregnant with my first child, being a mother and trying to chase your dreams is hard. I knew I would be back at some point. I am thoroughly excited to be stepping back into the ring especially as this time it’s boxing which is where my strength is.”

“Training this time has been tougher as I don’t have as much time as I used to. I am very passionate about the sport, I love the training, I have a lot of fun with my training partners and coaches at Spitfire kickboxing and boxing and am grafting as hard as possible to get the result I want.”Louise Stevens 1

Louise will be making her White Collar Boxing debut on Sunday evening but like most didn’t know much about it to start with.

“I didn’t really know too much about white collar boxing when I started. The rounds are shorter then amateur boxing and the gloves are heavier.

“I’ve been training as much as I can it’s not always easy with a family but you don’t need to train for hours just need to train hard and make each session count. I get my fitness workouts in in-between dropping my kids at nursery and going to work these usually include a 4-6 mile run or skipping and circuit’s in my garden three times a week.

“I do two gym sessions a week to get in some good conditioning these usually involve an all over weighted circuit. I am boxing 3-4 times a week if I can. My boxing sessions include pad work, bag work, sparring, circuits and lots of sweat. I rest on a Saturday. I have a lot of work to do still I’ve been boxing since June so not long but I am a quick learner and am very confident in my coaches. I always strive to be the best I can be.”

Lou who will be entering the ring to Fabulous – My Time has been studying her opponent ahead of Sunday.

She said: “I have seen a video of her previous fight which she won. She looks technically good. I think it’s going to be an awesome bout.

“My friends, family and team mates will be there to support me. It’s always good to have a good support network and I’m very grateful. I’m hoping to put on a good performance and give them something to cheer about.”Louise Stevens 3

“I’m also very thankful to have the support of Miss Galaxy Universe who have kindly sponsored me for this fight and my fellow galaxy girls who I know will be 100% behind me. I am also thankful for the support of solo supplements who have advised me on my nutrition and sports supplements whilst training for this bout.

“I’ll take one fight at a time, losing is not an option. I am very keen to progress through the ranks.”

