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Kent rebuff rumours about new coach
Kent rebuff rumours about new coach

Kent County Cricket Club may have had plenty of interest in the vacant Head Coach job, but some of the names linked are incorrect.

It had been stated in the media this week that the likes of Australian Dean Jones, former Kent Director of Cricket Graham Ford and former Sri Lanka coach Trevor Bayliss were amongst those to have applied for the position.

However, Kent have moved to state that although they have received some fifty applications for the job vacated by Paul Farbrace last month, they haven’t leaked who has gone for the job and have gone further to suggest that some of the names linked with the position are far from accurate.

In Kent’s Extra Cover newsletter, they have moved to quell rumours by releasing the following:

“Applications have been received from around the globe, but the Club will not be revealing the names of any of the applicants during the selection process.”

“As the process is confidential, it would not be appropriate for the Club to confirm who has or hasn’t applied.”

“There has been speculation in the media this week as to the identity of applicants.  A number of names have been linked to the position, none of these names were revealed by the Club, and some of those reported are not correct.”

Kent Cricket CEO, Jamie Clifford commented; “The real challenge comes in whittling down the fifty applicants. I have been working with our cricket working group, which consists of Graham Johnson, Rob Key and Simon Willis and we have started to run the selection process. It’s a very important decision.”

