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Kent Kings to attend Margate
Kent Kings to attend Margate

The Kent Kings have announced that they will be attending this year’s Margate International Beach Cross Weekend on the 2nd & 3rd March.Kent Kings2

Kings Commercial Manager Neil “Nikko” Day announced today, “We are very pleased to confirm that we have accepted an offer from the organisers of the Margate International Beach Cross Weekend to go down there for the weekend and advertise our club.”

“This is a very generous offer from the organisers and I would like to thank them, especially Pete Simpson for this invitation. I will be attending both days along with one or two of the Kings riders who will also bring along speedway bikes to show the crowd what we are about.”

Day continued, “We will be advertising and promoting the Kings over the weekend and handing out flyers to the crowd and hope to see some of them at Central Park this season.”

“We are constantly looking to work with other motorsports organisations to mutually advertise our events and I look forward to organising similar links with Grasstrack organisations as well as the superb training tracks we have in Kent at Iwade and Lydd.”

