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Kent Golf grows with us
Kent Golf grows with us

Kent Golf is an organisation formed from volunteers and dedicated players that aims to make golf accessible to all and develop elite talent. Through nurturing the sport as a whole, Kent Golf has significantly advanced the game, particularly for women.

Golf is a sport forged from many elements – all of which Kent Golf enhance and pursue through their vast resources. Competitions, events and coaching are provided by the company, along with much else.

Players associated with Kent Golf experience the sport to its greatest; they are able to maintain a certain seriosity in regard to their development, whilst taking joy in the activity. 

The Kent Girls Academy at Kings Hill run by a PGA professional, Mark Trow, is an example of one of Kent Golf’s multiple branches throughout the county.

Held on Sundays, courses of 6 sessions bring young female players together through a shared interest. Lessons involve swing analysis and practice but also provide a welcoming environment in which golf can be enjoyed.

Mark Trow coaches “over 55 county teams”, and avidly “enjoy(s) working with Kent Golf because it gives (him) an opportunity to help talented players continue to improve their game”.

Mark Trow said that he would “like to think (his) sessions are successful!”. 

Making “sessions… different from hour to hour to ensure good interaction and that they are relevant for different ages and players,” is demanding but means that this source of golf is effective in coaching and aiding players.

Imogen Kennard, a participant in the Girls Academy said that “(She) enjoy(s) Kent Golf sessions and (her) game has improved because of them.”

Focusing on the level of female golf, Imogen thinks that “Kent Golf is a good way for more girls to start getting into golf… (and) Kent Golf is causing more female golfers to start the game.”

Another player, Rhoovie Zhandire, also “enjoy(s) Kent Golf sessions very much as (they are) an opportunity to learn and improve golf while having fun with other girls with the same interests.”

Regarding competitions, Mark Trow stated that “Kent Golf do a great job organising and promoting tournaments across the county,” and have been “very successful in creating high level performance teams… (which has been) reflected in winning the national team championships and in some Kent individual players receiving national honours.”

Having played in many Kent tournaments herself, Imogen Kennard has “found (them) a good way to play new courses and meet new people.”

Overall, Kent Golf is an exceptional resource within the array of companies linked to golf. Its multitudes of volunteers, blossoming players and provided opportunities allow the organisation to have an impressive impact within the county. Kent Golf undertakes many responsibilities but carries out each role with exceptional success.

As Kent Golf grows, so does every player’s individual game.

