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Kent cyclist to ride to Paris
Kent cyclist to ride to Paris

A Kent cyclist will ride from London to Paris next weekend after being told his eyesight was so poor he could no longer drive.Mark Sheepwash

Mark Sheepwash from Medway has already shown he’s more than happy to get on his bike for charity after riding the Tour de Kent back in May and will now go on his own personal journey as he cycles 300 miles to the French capital.

After being diagnosed with Retinitis pigmentosa by eye specialists at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, Sheepwash is hoping to raise thousands of pounds for two great charities:

“Having done the 3 days on the Tour de Kent I am looking forward to more multi-day cycling culminating on Saturday the 3rd with riding down the Champs Elysee following in the successful footsteps of fellow British Cyclists on the same iconic road in the last few years!!”

“I took up road cycling last year to get out and about more after being told I can no longer drive due to my deteriorating eyesight due to an eye disease and to keep myself fit.”

“I cycled nearly 2000 miles in 2012 and aimed to do more in 2013 and having read so much about London to Paris rides set my goal for 2013 to do this to raise money for both RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa) fighting blindness in the hope to find a cure for those affected and for Kent Association for the Blind as they have been so supportive and helpful in advice and guidance given to me to help me in my everyday life.”Mark Sheepwash2

Mark went on to explain how he has been taken aback by how generous people have been as he prepares for the ride:

“I have been overwhelmed by the generosity and support of family friends and colleagues with my cause and so far are up to £2400.”

“As I am funding the costs of the trip myself all money donated is being split 50/50 between the two.”

“I’m looking forward to some nice smooth pothole free roads in France and I’m sure it will be quite emotional to cycle into Paris on the final day.”

You can support Mark in his quest by visiting his Just Giving page – http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=sheepie_L2P


You can find more information on Mark’s chosen charities below:



