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Jackson keen to take his chance
Jackson keen to take his chance

Netminder Davey Jackson is hoping the opportunity that has come his way at Invicta Dynamos gives him a chance to impress.Davey Jackson2

The regular Mustangs netminder was thrust into the limelight last weekend making his debut for the Dynamos in their narrow 5-4 loss to the Wightlink Raiders at the Silver Blades Ice Bowl in Gillingham.

With Andy Moffat sustaining a knee injury at Bracknell just 24 hours earlier, Jackson was drafted into Kevin Parrish’s side at short notice with namesake Glen unavailable and David Wride having left the club.

Having so little time to think about his sudden rise to Dynamos selection, Jackson told KSN how he was thrilled to have got a game, but would have been happier if the side had secured the two points:

“Playing for the Dynamos was the last thing on my mind at the start of the weekend. I was looking forward to having the weekend off as I’ve got two kids, but that’s the good thing having the Mustangs to back up the Dynamos.”

“I’m just starting to get into some form and hopefully Matt (Daubney) can now pick up the pieces with the Mustangs as we’ve got some strong games coming up that we need to win as well.”

“However, it’s hard that I couldn’t help the Dynamos get the win.”

With no other netminders in which to choose from, Jackson is now expected to play out the rest of the season with the Dynamos whilst pushing for a place in the side in the play-offs:

“I pretty much started the season as fourth choice being behind Moffs, David Wride and Glen Jackson, but I guess I’m now number one. It’s pretty funny to be thrown into the thick of things like that, but it happens.”

“That’s the kind of sport it is and you’ve just got to pick yourself up, get your head into the game and power through as best as you can.”

Despite conceding five times on his debut for the Dynamos against Wightlink, Jackson was happy with his own performance against one of the league’s strongest sides:

“They’re a strong, fast skating, powerful team with a lot of good shooters and one of their guys got to the blue line and roofed it straight over my shoulder.”

“It’s a difficult situation for the Dynamos at the moment, but they’ve just got to pick themselves back up and get back into the thick of things.”

“We’ve got the play-offs coming up and we need to get back into form for that. We’ve just got to look forward to the next game.”

With just the two remaining league games left to play this season this weekend, Jackson is expected to once again take the netminder duties for the visit to Cardiff NIHL Devils on Saturday night before returning to Gillingham on Sunday night to face Solent & Gosport:

“It’s one of those siuations where I don’t want to look at the Cardiff game as a nothing game. I will want to turn up and play as I can and try and get the guys the wins they need.”

“They need the jump going into the play-offs and we’ve got to go there and look to beat them in their own barn, see if we can get the points and get that boost going into the play-offs.”

With every chance that the Dynamos will play Cardiff once again in the play-offs, Jackson is hoping to use this chance to impress the Dynamos coach going forward:

“I’m looking forward to trying to get into this team, because at the start of the season it wasn’t looking likely with the way I was playing, but I’ve got my head back in it, things are good at home and I can’t really give any excuses as to why I’d play badly.”

“I just really want to get my opportunity and take it, so hopefully I get my chance. With Moffs being out injured that’s given me the opportunity to show what I can do.”

Fans will be able to see the Dynamos play Solent & Gosport on Sunday evening with face off at 5:15pm.

