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Farbrace unsure over use of pink ball
Farbrace unsure over use of pink ball

Kent coach Paul Farbrace is unsure as to whether the future of cricket involves a pink ball and under lights.

The current Championship game with Glamorgan is being played under the floodlights at the St Lawrence Ground at Canterbury with play starting each day at 2pm with a pink tiflex ball being used in both sides first innings with a kookabura ball being used in the second innings.

The idea of the day/night game was only conceived last week with the ECB deciding to use the Kent v Glamorgan game as a guinea pig to determine whether it would be a good idea in the future to play Test match cricket in similar circumstances.

Opinion was divided between spectators at the game and Farbrace admitted to KSN that he was a little unsure as to whether the format had a long term future:

“I will be really honest. I’m not sure about it all. Before last Monday I was quite positive about it all, with the quirly nature of it, but the closer we got to the start of the game I found there were more and more grey areas and unanswered things about it all.”

“In some ways it has been quite good, but I’m worried people may have stayed away as we are meant to finish at 9 o’clock. It would be a shame if we have driven people away, but if the experiment proves to be useful then I guess it will have served its purpose.”

“There has been a mixed reaction about it all. Players and members have had mixed reactions to it all. We will have to judge it at the end of the four days I guess.”

“Twenty 20 had to start somewhere, although it does make it a long day for players over four consecutive days.”

As for the ball itself, Farbrace admitted it may have to be something the ECB and MCC look at again:

“The ball went a bit soft quite quickly which had made it quite tricky. The umpires have told me that when we went between daylight and the floodlight it was quite tricky to pick up.”

“This ball went quite whitish and the colour went out of it quite quickly. It will be interesting to see how the Kookabura plays in the second innings.”

