The turnstiles at Kent Non-League grounds are reopening – well maybe!

The uniquely ongoing confusing situation that our national game finds itself in currently has taken another turn on Wednesday, with the Football Association announcing the partial lifting of the current restrictions on people attending matches.
In full, the FA’s statement reads;
“We have today issued updated guidelines for the National League System (NLS) and Women’s Football Pyramid (WFP) that include a phased and limited return of spectators for clubs at steps three to six and tiers three to four, respectively.”
“We have worked continuously alongside the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), the Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) and leagues to submit detailed proposals for a phased and limited return of spectators at these levels to the UK Government.”
“The DCMS has now clarified its guidance on the return to recreational team sport and clubs at steps three to six of the NLS and tiers three to four of the WFP are permitted to accommodate a phased and limited return of spectators to fixtures. However, they must follow the UK Government’s guidance in relation to COVID-19 and The FA’s updated guidelines for the NLS or WFP, respectively.”
“In addition, regional NLS feeder league clubs and clubs at tiers five to six of the WFP are permitted to accommodate socially-distanced spectators in line with our guidelines for grassroots football.”
“All clubs at steps three to six of the NLS and tiers three to four of the WFP are required to have a designated COVID-19 officer; complete and publish bespoke risk assessments and action plans; and arrange support for Track and Trace efforts before implementing the following:
Stage one:
From 22 August 2020 to 30 August 2020, spectators are permitted to attend fixtures at steps three to six of the NLS and tiers three to four of the WFP, providing that their number does not exceed 15 per cent of the minimum ground grading capacity at these levels or respective figures set out within our updated guidelines
If a club at these levels does not play any fixtures during this period, it must have played at least one pre-season or competitive fixture in accordance with its respective level of spectators before moving on to stage two”
Stage two:
From 31 August 2020, clubs at steps three to six of the NLS and tiers three to four of the WFP will be permitted to allow spectators to attend fixtures provided that their number does not exceed 30 per cent of the minimum ground grading capacity at their level or the respective figures set out within our updated guidelines. However, they must be satisfied that they have been able to comply with the Government’s guidance on the return to recreational team sport and our updated guidelines”
“The phased and limited return of spectators at these levels will be kept under constant review in line with the UK Government’s guidelines and will be amended accordingly as required.”
KSN comment – whilst everyone at KSN and everyone involved in Non-League football wants to see fans back at our grounds and supporting our clubs, there must be a concern that there is going to be occasions that until professional clubs are allowed to watch their teams play, the demand to watch our smaller sides will be there and could yet cause many problems.
We must all hope everyone – clubs, administrators, and fans – are prepared for the “new” normal and will have read the risk assessments that all clubs have had to produce…
The watching of football is going to be completely different post COVID-19 – the games that we all watched back in March is exactly the same; the way however we all watch it will never be the same again – well not for a while anyway…
Picture supplied by Dave Budden.