Gillingham boss Steve Evans has again called on everyone to stick to the current Government guidelines to combat the current Coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking to KSN on Wednesday afternoon, the Gills boss told us, “We all watch the Government minister briefing at 5.00 every afternoon and we take care and pay attention to everything that the medical experts are telling us.”
“I pay less attention to what the politicians are saying because sometimes if they say it’s raining outside you need to open the window to check and that’s all sides not just the Conservatives.
“I listen very carefully to the medical people and I listen very carefully to the science people and they’ve been very clear!”
“We’re three weeks into the lockdown next Monday and they’ll have a look at the stats and the figures and then they’ll see where we go. I think that we’re in for a bit longer yet so that we can see that we’ve managed this curve and it’s going in the right direction and people are continuing to behave.”
“Let’s be honest, we’re talking about 95% of the British public is doing this as advised as they should do as you would want yourself or your neighbour to do.”
“It’s the five-per-cent that’s letting the country down, and that’s the same five percent that screams for a manager to be sacked or scream on social media because they scream so that they get heard whilst the silent majority stay silent.”
“That’s why I take very great care of what the top doctors are saying and what the top science people are saying.”
“If you’re a top doctor and you’re on the daily bulletin from the government, then you have every top doctor and every top scientist in the world listening to what you’re saying.”
“Believe me, if it wasn’t unanimous in what they’re saying, people would be coming out and contradicting it. You see with the politicians people coming out and contradict them as soon as the briefing is finished, but they never question the science or the medicine because they’re purely factual.”
“I listen very carefully and if we get through the Easter weekend and the curve is going in the right direction there just needs to be a concerted effort in the next week or so, because our NHS is stressed enough.”
In a moment of vulnerability Evans was also keen to acknowledge the emotional impact the pandemic has had on him personally.
He continued “I’ve shed tears looking at some of the pictures and some of the videos that we’ve seen and I have shed tears with my family watching it and I don’t know the people connected.”
“So there’s this big, hard exterior of a football manager blubbering in his sitting room. It’s because without these people we would be tens of thousands of deaths already you’re limited to those who have sadly left us.”
“Thankfully none of the boys have had any symptoms from what I hear from our medical side and so they haven’t been tested as they only come into play if you develop any symptoms.”
“I’ve been very, very forceful making it clear that we have to stay at home. When I’ve been walking my little dogs out in the middle of the countryside I’ve been absolutely appalled at the amount of people I see social mixing – it’s terrible – and I’ve had to bite my tongue and turn and go in different directions.”
“I’m fairly confident – as anyone can be confident – that all of our players are isolating properly, doing their work properly, and taking the measures that we all need to take if we’re going to come through this sooner rather than later.”
“We live in the country and we’re on our own, but the wife and I will be outside clapping these fantastic people at 8.00pm again on Thursday evening as we have done the previous two weeks.”
“My wife works in the medical profession and does a lot of work with the NHS and is very proud of what they do.”
“We’ll have a little prayer every night hoping they come through their days as they’re fighting to keep us all alive aren’t they. Please, please help them and stay indoors and we’ll see you all at Priestfield on the other side”.