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Dynamos fans urged to support their side
Dynamos fans urged to support their side

Ice hockey fans from across Kent are being encouraged to come out and support their local side when the Invicta Dynamos begin their new season.

The Dynamos begin their new campaign at home to Milton Keynes Thunder on Sunday 2nd September with Kevin Parrish’s side looking to challenge at the top of end of the National Ice Hockey League.

Under the guidance of new Business Director, Glenn Thompson and fully supported by Dynamos owner Jackie Mason, the Dynamos have adopted a new approach to how they will operate for years to come and the Maidstone based businessman explained to KSN how he got involved with the club:

“I have been a fan for the last four years and it was pure luck and I believe fate. I was standing in the queue at Romford when I overheard Dan Fudger’s mum talking about the issues with the team house. I said I could probably help and perhaps she could introduce me to Jackie and Andy Mason.”

“Subsequently I was introduced to Andy and Jackie. Jackie was quite reserved and I will always remember her remark. “I have heard all this before” she then walked away. After this I said to Andy “here is my mobile number, give me a call if you need anything”. The following day Andy called and the rest is history.”

Since joining the club, Thompson has introduced some changes off the ice and he explained the reasoning behind these changes:

“The structure of the Dynamos is solid. What was needed was a bit of fresh blood as it had gone a little stale and needed new ideas like all businesses do over time. The first thing as a management team last season, was to steady the ship at the early part of the season when I joined the team.”

“Everyone was aware that we had a lot of ice issues which were affecting the Coach and the team. At the start of the season we lost four key players, a team house and the morale was at an all time low. The main thing was to sort accommodation out. This was done quickly and the players were settled within the house and Kevin made sure the morale was where it needed to be.”

“The next thing was to make sure we built a three year business and marketing plan which worked for the management team and club. The club for the last two seasons had made a loss and as any business, this could not continue.”

“A new website had been designed to complement the new look club which is the best in the league.”

“As a team we decided that the juniors needed to be run by the ice rink so we can focus more of our time on the dynamos.

“Next on the agenda was to cut other costs and bring more new sponsors in whilst retaining the existing sponsors so the club breaks even at the end of the season. We have now achieved this ready for this season.”

“We have also had to increase ticket prices this season which we were reluctant to do but we had no choice if we are to break even for next season. As a club for this season we will offer reduced prices at certain games which will be announced throughout the season. The Dynamos are now in good shape to move forward for the future with a very strong management team.”

However, Thompson didn’t believe the changes off the ice were instrumental in the side being strengthened by Head Coach, Kevin Parrish:

“No I don’t think it has, as this is more behind the scenes and it has not been common knowledge I believe the Dynamos will always attract the talent as long as we have the right Head Coach in place, which I firmly believe we have.”

“It is all about a winning mentality and our fans which are the best fans in the league and the support we get from them, win or lose, is second to none.”

With progress already made off the ice, Thompson went on the explain what he hopes to achieve in the next three to five years:

“We will follow the business plan set to make sure the business breaks even every year and to keep attracting the right players to the club every year.”

“We will increase our marketing campaign in the next three years and our aim is to add at least another 30% fan base to watch our home games. We will increase our marketing in the Maidstone area as this is an untouched area and a lot of people do not know about the club.”

“More off ice entertainment is a priority. We will be meeting with local schools which the imported players will attend and try to get more kids and families to the games. My personal goal is that I would love to see 700-800 fans to each home game and the ice bowl rocking.”

Every club in every sport relies on fans coming out to support the side on matchdays and the Invicta Dynamos are no different.

To that end, Thompson is hoping fans flock to the Silver Blades Ice Bowl in their numbers to cheer on the team:

“It is very important as we would not have a club if we did not have the support of the fans from Kent and Medway.”

“As we have said before, the fans are a huge part of the club and the management. The Head Coach and players really appreciate their support through thick and thin. We would love the fans to help with the promotion of the club and tell their friend and families etc about the club.”

“If there is anyone who has not seen a game of ice hockey and would love to come and watch a Dynamos home game, please email Andy Mason via the website which is www.invictadynamos.com and we will be happy to offer a good deal on your tickets for the first game.”

“We are positive that once you have been, you will most certainly want to come again!”

“Also if the fans have any ideas which they would like to put forward to the club, we would love to hear them. Please email me via the website and I will seriously look at any suggestions and ideas.”

“Have a serious think to yourselves. What else is there to do on a Sunday evening at 5.15pm? Would you not rather watch the fastest sport in the UK with entertainment, goals and the odd rough and tumble between the players on the ice??”

This season sees the beginning of a unique partnership between the Invicta Dynamos and KSN with exclusive player interviews, a regular blog from Kevin Parrish along with competitions and Thompson told KSN why he was happy to have agreed the deal:

“We are very pleased with the Partnership we have forged with KSN and believe it is the right Partnership to get our brand promoted and move forward over the next few years. It is great to have them on board.”
