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Coleman gives Ehmer his backing
Coleman gives Ehmer his backing

Gillingham boss John Coleman has come to the defence of his skipper Max Ehmer after scenes at the end of last weekend’s home defeat to high-flying Notts County at MEMS Priestfield. 

Coleman was asked about the controversy involving his skipper at the end of Saturday’s defeat at home to County, and some fans in the Rainham End.

“I’m going to do an Arsene Wenger,” the Gills boss confessed, “I was only told about it afterwards!” 

“I can understand by people being frustrated, I can understand players being frustrated. If you look at the four games that I’ve been here, Max has done ok for me.”

“I think that he is trying to lead by example rather than his voice and I think that that must come to the fore and Max needs to be spoken to about that.”

“I can understand his frustrations and I can understand the fans frustrations, but is it healthy either way, from either “side” for them to become vocal about it?”

“No, not really as it doesn’t do the player any good and the same as it doesn’t do the fans any good!”

“So, I really think that you have to draw a line under it – Max will be reminded. But they are the people who pay his wages and every one of us is open to criticism – sometimes you might not like it, but the only way that you can get passed that is to do better!” 

“Now I think that Max has been doing quite well – four above average games in the games since I have been here. But I am wanting everyone, not just Max, to do better and step up to the plate and improve.” 

Coleman went on, “Max did guide Galey (Sam Gale) through a couple of games by keeping the centre-forward off the young man and allow Galey to go and win his headers – I think people might miss that, and sometimes you know when you take a step back, things are not as great as they seem when things are going well, and certainly things are not as bad as they seem when things are feeling bad.”

“Sometimes you have to be a bit calmer in your approach, a bit more realistic in your approach, but you still have to remember your duty to the fans.”

“Our players have been reminded this week in no uncertain terms what it means to be a professional footballer – what it means to represent a club and what it means to represent a set of people.”

“I know it sounds tacky but it is like going into battle as you go into battle against another town, another set of people, not a violent one, but a battle that you want to win.”

“You need everyone pulling in the right direction and so that’s when you get hierarchy of leadership as you have to try to get everyone around to lead!” 
