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Bourne & Woodstock to groundshare
Bourne & Woodstock to groundshare

It’s been announced that Sittingbourne FC and Woodstock FC will groundshare with Bourne relocating to The W.E. Manin Stadium.Woodstock Sports

A statement from Woodstock Chairman Maurice Dunk reads:

“After many years of discussion it has been decided that we need to protect the uncertain future of Sittingbourne FC in these difficult times.

We at Woodstock have decided to adopt Sittingbourne FC into our family and work with them as Partners to ensure the very best possible football product can be provided for local people, players, supporters and sponsors on a permanent basis.

The Partnership we are all sure will prove to be greater than the sum of its parts and the Town can look forward to a bright and exciting football and related social future.

Our ground at Woodstock has been developed to a good standard without losing its rural feel and we are sure Sittingbourne FC will be happy in their new home. We are confident we can integrate them with ease and reassure everyone connected to us and in the area that there will not be any problems with this.

More details of our plans for the coming years will be released when confirmed over the coming weeks.”
Sittingbourne logoMeanwhile, Chairman of Sittingbourne Football Club, Andy Spice, issued the following statement about the club’s future:

“We are pleased to confirm that Woodstock Park will become the home ground of Sittingbourne Football Club with effect from the Season commencing August 2013. This follows an Agreement between the Clubs to form a partnership and it is anticipated that by joining forces we will be able to guarantee the future and indeed the growth of both Clubs, whilst providing the best possible opportunities for football in Sittingbourne. The Sittingbourne FC Academy will also be part of this new initiative.

On behalf of Sittingbourne FC, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Maurice Dunk, Chairman of Woodstock, and all other committee members for their support and for welcoming us into their fold. We look forward to working together and to the exciting times ahead.”

