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Borstal keeper happy with new bat
Borstal keeper happy with new bat

Borstal Cricket Club’s young wicket keeper, Luke Sandys, rounded of a great day at Kent’s Canterbury ground on Saturday 23rd March by picking up a custom made bat from Kent’s Head Coach Jimmy Adams.Luke Sandys with Jimmy Admas

The prize had been donated by local bat manufacturer Hell4Leather to a raffle that raised over £500 for two worthy causes – CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) and the KCB Disability Action Group

Luke was attending, on behalf of Borstal Cricket Club,  the One Day One Game event organised by the Kent Cricket Board that brought together cricket club members from across the county to participate in a number of seminars aimed at all aspects of the game. Despite the snowy weather there was an excellent attendance and Kent Cricket Club were thanked by everyone for their excellent facilities’ and organisation.

The presentations covered many topics but of special interest to Borstal CC were those on funding streams for cricket clubs and how to engage and retain 14-16 year olds in the game. However, with Luke now focusing on the new season, that starts later in April with a custom made bat – there is one teenager who will need little encouragement to put on his whites.

Meanwhile, Borstal Cricket Club held a Race Night on Saturday 23rd March at their Brambletrees club house that raised over £500 for club funds. A great night was had from the packed bar with every horse being cheered across the line. But the loudest cheer came when the Tricast jackpot of £150 went unclaimed on the last raise to be donated to the clubs funds.

Local companies rallied round and sponsored several of the races and the club would like to thank Steven Huggett Hair Design, Farm View Butchers and Reed Printers for the valued support. In addition a number of players and committee members also sponsored races – but a special presentation was made to Edwina Morris for her valued support over many years and in many roles as she leaves the club for a new life in Nottingham.

The club are currently raising funds for much need new equipment and are well on their way to securing  the funding for new sightscreens but there is still a lot to do to meet their ambitious 5 year development plan.

Outdoor training will hopefully start in April and the club welcome enquires from new players of all ages and abilities.

For more information on playing for Borstal Cricket Club, please contact:

Chairman: Lee Round

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01634 312485




Twitter: @borstalcc

