Brad Galinson can’t wait for his first full season as a Football Club owner, and he’s got compelling arguments that it could be a great campaign at Priestfield.

In the final part of our pre-season chat with the Gills owner, our focus is very much on Saturday and the SKYBet League Two kick off and beyond.
“What we’ve already achieved is beyond our wildest dreams but it’s because the Community is stepping up too. Their natural state is to love their Club and love their Community and to be able to give that back to them and see them respond has been fantastic for us!”
The owner then paid tribute to the Gills faithful who seem to have really got behind the club during the summer, making 2023/2024 one of the most eagerly awaited seasons at Priestfield in many years.
“It’s been fantastic,” Mr Galinson told us, “It’s not about responding to us, English football is all about community and this community wants its’ Club to be proud of.
“They want their Club to succeed, wants their Club to be positive. And so, if you can give them any positivity and competitiveness, you see what this and every single football community in this country responds too.”
“This Club represents everything from where they live and is everything on a Saturday, it truly is a fantastic thing to see…”
“My friends back home in the States think what we’re doing here is the most hilarious thing ever! In the US, I’m just an anonymous guy, no-one recognises me on the streets, there’s no football club.”
“So, when they see the Twitter videos and things of me getting stopped for my autograph they think – especially my kids – scoff and laugh at it; they can’t believe and roll their eyes!”
“We can’t wait for the start of the season, we really can’t! You think you’ve got everything right, you put the squad together; Neil’s been training them hard and then when that first whistle is blown, we’re all going to have to see what happens.”
With all eyes on opening day of the League One season, that for the Gills begins at Edgeley Park and Stockport County on Saturday, asked for his hopes for the next nine months. the Gills owner said, “At the minimum I think we will make our Towns proud and be competitive!”
“There is an expectation and possibility that we can get promoted this year, but I think that whether it’s this year or next year, I think that the expectations and the positivity is there to be competitive and to see what we can do.”
“The expectation will be a problem if we don’t at least meet or exceed our expectations which is the double edge sword of expectation isn’t it?”
“Before it was stay in the Football League and you’re a hero, now it’s we will be top three, or will we have to go through Wembley?”
“So of course, that’s challenging, but Neil among others is a very competitive man and I think he lives the expectations and I think he will step up and I think the boys will as well!”
Picture supplied by Gillingham Football Club.